What a month! Busy as usual, except for the great snow storm of 16! We got 30 inches of snow in less than 24 hours


Evan is really starting to talk; he loves the show Blaze and the Monster Machines. It’s a cartoon monster truck that solves engineering type problems. I love hearing him say stanchion or measure or wedge, so impressive that he’s absorbing what the show is teaching. He’s also begun string sentences together saying “I scare you” “Snack snack, where are you” it really is the sweetest. He also has become a big trickster, he loves to pretend to be a monster or a tiger, sneak up and yell to scare people lol. His absolute favorite thing to do is to pretend to be stuck under something, a blanket, kid size chair, a stuffed animal, anything really and then yell “help help da-da” and have us come over and pretend to struggle to get the toy off then when we get it off he pops up and says “whew” and wipes his brow, well his eye but he means brow lol. He’s a guy’s guy loves to hang with the fellas


I’m enjoying my MBA being complete and not having to write papers every week!

The snow storm was a perfect analogy to life; it was an unusually warm and semi sunny January when all of the sudden a storm rolls in and drops almost 3 feet of snow in less than 2 days. In fact I have never seen a storm like that and I grew up in Montana! I guess my point is that we were all kind of caught off guard we had a few days heads up to prep and stock the fridge then the snow came. I spend a few hours outside the first day shoveling and snow blowing but the second day was the hardest. I spent at least 6 hours outside moving all of the snow from the night fall and trying to keep up with it all as it fell that day.

That’s life right; things are going fine, going great better than usual when all of the sudden a “storm” rolls in. You can sit back and let it burry you or you can get up get moving and dig your way out. No pity parties no self-loathing just working grinding to get it done taking it minute by minute. And when all the work is done you have yourself a nice snow pile to sled down/ a nice life accomplishment that you can reference when things get hard again.  

That’s our family tough, strong, hard working. Maybe that’s why we all enjoy life so much each moment is every so sweet together because we work at it together J

Until next month!